Awhile back I won a tube of CJ's BUTTer from a facebook giveaway and let me tell you, I was SO excited to try it out! I have read some awesome reviews of this product, and wanted to try it out for myself. I chose the Love Spell scent it smells devine!! The day that I got it, we were leaving for holidays, so before we left I changed J and applied the BUTTer to him bum. We traveled from Vancouver to Princeton B.C. and stopped to change J. As I took off his diaper I noticed a terrible 'blister' like rash on his scrotum. The diaper wasn't terribly wet so I knew it wasn't from being in a super wet diaper for 3 hours. The only thing I could think of was that we had changed his bum cream.
So once I changed him I didn't put anymore on. I reverted back to using my normal diaper cream and within two changes it had cleared up.
I was so sad that he had a reaction to it, as I was looking forward to writing a wonderful review for CJ's.
I had mentioned to a couple of my facebook friends what had happened and my FB friend L said she had contacted CJ to let her know that this happened to us and to get in touch with her. So I did!
First off, let me say that CJ's has some WONDERFUL customer service. We spoke about how J could be allergic to the coconut oil in their regular formula or it could possibly be the scent. So with that being said, I was offered to try the new Vegan formula of the BUTTer. Of course at this time the Canada Post strike was going on so I knew I was going to have to wait a bit, but it was ALL worth the wait.
CJ sent me a full size jar (4 oz) of the new Vegan formula. I'll have to get a list of ingredients but I know there is no coconut oil in it!
The day that I received this, I tried it out right away! This formula is creamier than the Original BUTTer, I find, and isn't 'oily'. It glides on so smoothly and is just nice to the touch.
J had a slight diaper rash (teething) so I wanted to see if it cleared it up.. and you know what.. after ONE application J's bum was clear of red!! I was so happy, that this formula didn't irritate his bum and that it cleared up the existing rash.
Along with my 4oz jar, CJ also sent me a sample of the original BUTTer, with no scent to it. Due to J's reaction I wanted to see if it was indeed the oil in the formula or if it was the scent. I applied the original non scented to his bum and at the next diaper change we had a rash, thus it must be the oil (which is fine by me, cause I LOVE this stuff for myself lol)
Taken from CJ's website:
What is CJ’s BUTTer™?
Originally designed as an all-natural, less expensive alternative to the ointments you find on a typical grocery store shelf, our formula is unscented AND cloth diaper friendly. (None of our customers have had any staining or repelling issues.) CJ’s BUTTer™ is soothing for baby and also aids in the easy, smooth clean-up of dirty diapers.
Some other uses for CJ’s BUTTer™…
Called a”A Miracle in a Tube” by some, CJ’s BUTTer™ has been used on adults and children to help relieve …
dry/chapped skin
rug burns (sore ‘crawler’ knees)
mechanics’ hands and cuticles
hang nails
rub a small amount on your hands and use as a leave-in conditioner for your curls
More uses for CJ’s BUTTer™ include:
Use it for black/mixed hair!! Leaves hair soft, shiny and helps alleviate those ‘owies’ when trying to separate locks!
Melt a dollop under running bath water for a relaxing, soothing, and anti-inflammatory soak–provides relief for post-partum soreness and hemorrhoids!
Provides protection against windburned cheeks/face and helps to relieve windburn!
Promotes healing and provides a non-stick barrier when used after a circumcision.
Give it a try…we’re sure you’ll love it!
Let me just say that I am in love with the BUTTer and so is C. J's little bum is also in love as he has no more teething rash on his bum. My over rating if I were to give it out of 5 stars would be 5/5 . This is just an awesome product and I look forward to trying her other products as well.
I want to thank CJ for sending me the samples and for being so gosh darn nice!! It's hard to find awesome customer service these days, and hers was top notch! J would also like to thank you!!
Please note that I was in no way compensated for this review. I was however sent a sample of the above mentioned product(s) to do an adequate review. No monies were ever exchanged. All opinions are strictly my own and may differ from others. Please feel free to contact me via email or leave a comment if you have any questions or concerns.