Baby Graham is still in utero - I will update you all on that matter when the time comes. Like I said last week, I have a NST and AFI booked for this Wednesday. I really hoping that he will come tomorrow - as it is a full moon. But it's looking like he will be a November baby...
I also have abunch of pictures to post but again since I am not at my own computer it's difficult to watermark them etc etc.
So until we get a new computer, the blog will be put on hold. Hopefully when I get back I can share photos of baby Graham and get some awesome reviews and giveaways up. If you are a follower on Facebook, I will keep you all updated there - PLUS, if you follow me on twitter or Instagram, you can always look for updates there as well.
Thank you for understanding... the lack of technology makes for a grumpy mummy... sad I know, but I love blogging and just writing so not being able to do that is kinda driving me nuts!
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.
Much love
You're getting there! And it is okay! I also go insane without my technology! I was almost 2 weeks without my cell because Hubby had it...grr...I was almost in tears at one point! This world needs mommy's with technology!