We all got ready and were getting our shoes on - I asked James if it was ok if I came with him and Daddy "NO MUMMY! Jimmy and DADDY!" he yelled. He usually does this on Saturday's as Chris is the one to take him so I can have a little break and they get to spend some time together. So this was nothing new.
"Oh, Ok. I'll stay home" I said and then Chris spoke "No, James. Mummy is going to come too! We can all go"
I froze at the top of the stairs. My heart sank and I felt numb. Never EVER has James said anything like that. I know I may of overrated, or that my hormones got the best of me, but to even hear your son say those words, hurt so so much.
I said calmly. "Ok, Mummy will stay." and I proceeded to put my bag down, take my shoes off and then I started to cry. Chris was just as shocked as I was. He spoke to James with a stern voice and explained that you do not say that. Especially to Mummy.
Now I do not know where James learned to put those words together. Chris and I don't say we hate each other EVER!! (I mean we really don't) and I know that maybe he doesn't understand it, but for him to put those words into a sentence and USE it - WOW!
After Chris spoke to James, he came upstairs, and saw that I was upset. Chris asked James to apologise and he did "Sorry Mummy. I wuv you"
He gave me a big hug and a kiss and I told him that I loved him too.
Not wanting to punish him for something that he possibly didn't understand we all headed off to Roaming Rascals. He played with the other children, and then we came home for some lunch and our nap.
It's funny how once you become a parent, little words like that cut you very deep. I cannot tell you how terrible I now feel for all the times I told my mother I hated her.
Much love
Kat was about that age when she started that as well. The best thing I found to do is say I'm really sorry that you feel that way. But always know mommy loves you anyway. In our house now even tho the kids are so much older I still tell them hey you can hate was so in so is doing but you have to live them cause their your family. They still hate each other but they know its the actions not the person that they are mad at.
ReplyDeleteOMW! I feel your pain! Even though Lil mister hasn’t learnt those words yet; it is a slice through my mommy heart every time he chooses Ouma, Oupa, or Daddy instead of Mommy. I work long hours and get home to see him run away from me. He eventually turns and laughs and comes to me thinking it is a game but every time it hurts the same! I grieve for all the times I did this to my parents!
ReplyDeleteOh I feel your pain. Nothing hurts more than hearing your sweet baby say those words. The first time one of my kids said it to me, I felt the overwhelming urge to call my mum and say sorry. It's such an awful feeling. Huge hugs, and good luck with the remaining days of your pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteThank you ladies - yes it was like a knife to the heart and I DID want to call my mum and say sorry... it was not something I wanted to hear (I mean who does right??) He's still young so I am going with he didn't know better, but from now on I think it's time to watch our words.!