Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A little bit of this, and a little bit of that.

Last weekend was Thanksgiving! My little family spent the weekend with C's parents, as my parents are getting settled down in their new place 3.5 hours away. My MIL LOVES to coordinate her house decor with the season. We all bug her about it as the storage room is filled with ALL sorts of themed decor. (Easter, Valentines day, Halloween, you name it. and she has it!)

I have to admit, that I love it. Once we own out own place and have room to store 'knick knacks' I will mostly go CRAZY with themed decor!

Here are a few shots of our Thanksgiving dinner table.

I really love this pumpkin. It's such a nice festive touch to any table.
We used the 'good' china. It belongs to C's Grandmother.

My fav!

The GORGEOUS bouquet of flowers my MIL got for her birthday (Which happened to be on Oct. 10!) I love Gerber daisies. Especially orange ones. I had them in my wedding bouquet!

So there's a little snap shot of my holiday weekend.

Much love

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful colors! My mom was like that growing up and I'm already starting my own collection! I love decorating for the season...but it's expensive to start!


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