Ok, where has the year gone?? So let's see... where were we this time last year.... Oh right!
I was six months pregnant with Graham and Jimbo was in his terrible two phase. My how life has changed since last year!
Today I turn another year older - I am twenty six years young... I'm not a big
'Hey, let's celebrate me' kinda gal. To be honest - I don't like celebrating. I don't know why... maybe its because I'm a Mum now? I don't know. But I do know that we are going out for dinner tonight.
Where you ask?? Well, its the same place we went to last year. The Keg!
I did originally have a downtown dinner planned, but I decided I wanted to stay closer to home. Plus, I really want scallops and steak...and the places we were thinking of going don't have that.
Enough about me... Jimbo is 3.5 years old today! That means in six short months he will be... oh gosh... ok.. four. He will be four!
A lot has changed for James in the past year.
He learned to use the potty... and I can say that he is fully trained now. We still have the odd accident, but he goes all by himself, and makes sure EVERYONE knows it!
He started school in March and will continue in September as well. He loves school. It has done so much good for him. His vocabulary has rocketed, his sentence forming abilities are amazing and he can remember information better. Preschool was the best thing for him.
He knows his ABC's, and is learning to spell. He knows songs and can count and he's just getting so darn big and smart! We have been working on pronouncing certain letters and he is catching on... really fast.
James was having issues with pronouncing the letters C, G and L. He would say 'tootie' rather than cookie, and 'Drama' or 'Draham' rather than Grandma and Graham. We are working hard on the letter L. He pronounces it like a 'y' sound. So love is 'yuve' - he's getting it. He really has to think about it, but he's getting there.
I think the biggest life change for James was the birth of Graham and becoming a big brother. He fell into that role with so much grace. He truly loves his brother with his whole heart. He teaches him things and shows him the ropes. He loves to show Graham how to play cars and sneaks him cookies when I am not looking.
I am so very lucky to have this little boy in my life.
So much has happened in the year - life really is passing by so fast. I blink and BAM a month is gone. Graham will be nine months old this month, we close on our new home in seven days - I mean my goodness - before I know it I will be writing my "Dirty Thirty" post... ACK!
I need to remember to slow down and enjoy the little things - take the time to live!
Happy Birthday to me - and Happy half Birthday to my stubborn, loving, confident little man.
Love you lots bud.