I always do this - I take the camera expecting to take a butt load of photos and then I don't. We just get busy doing nothing and I forget to bring it out. I did however get a few good shots of the boys.
We left Thursday after Chris got home from work and spent the night with parents. the car ride was horrendous again. James was a peach while Graham wailed. We stopped a bunch of times to calm him down, nurse, change him but nothing worked. We got to my Mum and Dad's, ate and then went to bed. Of course the boys slept great!
The next day we took off early and Graham didn't make a single peep in the car. NOT ONE! They both slept. It was great!
The day was sunny, bright and warm. James was so excited to see his 'buddy' Nathan. He looks up to him so much - it's such a great sight to see. Nathan was playing on the swings and James was a little hesitant at first, but soon enough was up on the big swing having a blast! He pretty much stayed there all weekend!
The following day was UGLY! It was cold, the rains came in and it was windy! Luckily, it didn't last all day so there was some sun, but not a whole lot. James still played outside, and still had a blast. Again, both the boys slept great. Graham is getting better, but is still waking at least 4 times a night to eat. We also found out that he cut a fourth tooth. Gah!

Graham hit another milestone while away - he is now able to pull himself up into a standing position (with some help) but can and does do this ALL THE TIME! He is sitting unassisted and isn't wobbly anymore, LOVES his food and is crawling all over the place. I made some purees for him and he hates it - so BLW it is for this little man.
We left Monday morning, and stopped by my parents for lunch. The boys again did great from Osoyoos to Princeton (about an hour and a half) and were fine till about Chilliwack. Then all hell broke loose in the car. Graham again, started to fuss, so we stopped, changed him and I nursed both sides. It didn't do anything. He cried and cried. So we stopped again and after that he calmed down long enough to get home.
I'm so happy to be home now. I love going away, but hate the travelling part. We don't plan on going anywhere for at least a month. I am hoping in that time Graham grows out of this whole "I freaking hate my car seat" phase!
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!
Much love
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