We are spending the night at my parents and then we are off again to Osoyoos for our good friends Sarah and Jon's wedding tomorrow!
I am hoping to get a lot of shots - I have a feeling their wedding will be something to remember. James won't be attending this wedding with us - I must say I am thankful for it. Chris and I don't get a lot of grown up time, so James will be spending the time away with his Nana and Papa. (I'll only be 15 minutes away and will be home that night! I can't leave him!!
Sunday we are spending the day at the trailer. Chris took the Monday off so we could have Sunday to relax before we go back to the coast. I have to work next week so this is it for 2 weeks then I am off on Maternity Leave!!
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am 29 weeks pregnant. If Graham comes as early as James I only have 8 weeks left. But I have a gut feeling he'll be on time or late. But it's up to him. I'll be ready for whenever he decides to make his appearance.
I have a midwife appointment on Tuesday - so I will be getting my iron levels checked - we are also going over the newborn procedures and I am guessing what I need to be prepared for our upcoming home birth.
I'm feeling better - not AS tired but still tired. Heartburn has made an appearance again and leg cramps will be the death of me. I woke up one morning and BOTH legs cramped up and I thought I was going to die (Ok not literally) but I was in so much pain. I remember getting cramps with James and how I would wake up in agony... hopefully it doesn't last too long or I'm hoping to keep them to a minimum.
I weighed myself this week and I am up another 2 lbs - so that's a total of 10lbs, I think that's great but we will see what the midwives think. No real food cravings or aversions. I have been VERY emotional. I cry at the drop of the hat - I can't watch sappy movies cause I'm a ball of emotions. I have very little patients with James as well. My child does not listen AT ALL!
I am trying to be understanding and patient but sometimes he's just so...ERRRR!! But the good thing is he's super cute and I calm down like 5 seconds after the 'bad moment'
Baby Graham is slowly losing room. His movements are not so 'poke, jab. Jab, poke' but more of a rolling sensation. The kicks to the lower region makes me want to pee my pants and I keep thinking a little arm is going to bust through there - but it never happens.
So that's what happening this weekend - and what's been going on. I know I've said it before, but I cannot wait to meet this new little man I am growing inside of me. Life is good.
Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend and make sure to come back for a Wedding Weekend update!
Much love
Awe I can't wait for him to be here either xoxo and I LOVE the new blog looks awesome xo