Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What's to come.

So as of Friday, I will be taking some time off from the blog. I will be back on January 1st to announce the winner from the Glow Bug giveaway. So don't you worry about that hehe.

I have come up with a few new reviews and also a giveaway. So be sure to keep reading and checking back for updates.

I will be reviewing Boogie wipes and yes, there will be a giveaway!! I will also be doing another diaper review. A friend of mine supplied me with the diaper as she has a bunch and wanted to pass along the fluffy love. So come the new year there will be a review on the Hippkiddo cloth diaper! Plus there are a few other diaper reviews I would like to get out before J starts his potty learning.

I'm hoping to come up with some more great reviews and giveaways as well. I thinking it's time to move from the diaper reviews and move on towards potty learning and whatnot. After J's 2nd birthday, we will start potty learning So maybe I can get some companies on board that sell trainers!!

I would also love to find some companies to work with that I could do some reviews for mum products. So if you know of any please feel free to contact me.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and holidays. Looking forward to starting a fresh new year. And and very excited to see what it has in store for me and my family.

Much love to you all.


1 comment:

Would love to hear what you think...even if you don't like it!