I'll be honest, I used sposie wipes when we first started cloth diapers. C didn't want to venture into cloth wipes yet. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to continue with the cloth diapers. I on the other hand, wanted to ditch the sposie wipes and find some great cloth ones. At first we were using baby wash cloths, I would fold them up, and out them into a container and then would drench them in water and baby soap. but after a few days they smelled terrible!! So that went out the window and we continued to buy pampers wipes.
Then when we decided to cloth full time, I cut up a bunch of old receiving blankies and got a little spray bottle to put water in. That was working fine but I didn't like the thin little wipes, so I bought some Sweet Bobbins wipes and continued to use my little spray bottle, with water.
Then I found out about wipes solutions! Ahh, another product I just HAD to try out. I got a small sample of Monkey Doodlez Wipe Cubes in a recent bundle from Bundles and Buzz and I loved them! So I went and purchased a couple sample bags. Well needless to say, I have a whole bunch of wipes cubes now, and I also have another brand so I thought it would be a great giveaway!
Enter for your chance to win a sample size bag of Monkey Doodlez Wipe Cubes right here! There is 8 cubes, and I believe that is enough to do 4 LITRES of solution!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
New reviews to look for!
I did a post on the 18th saying I was going to be doing some new reviews... well I am so sorry that I haven't done any!! But in the coming weeks there will be at least three new ones.
There will be a new cloth diaper review from The Canadian Cloth diaper comany Hippeez (super excited about this one!) There will also be a review of a stroller from guzzie & Guss (again very excited about this one as well) Along with an Eco Nuts review.
C and I (along with J) will be travelling for Labour Day weekend. We are going to visit my Grandparents up in the Okanagan. My grandma and I will be canning PEACHES!! So look forward to that as well!!
There will be a new cloth diaper review from The Canadian Cloth diaper comany Hippeez (super excited about this one!) There will also be a review of a stroller from guzzie & Guss (again very excited about this one as well) Along with an Eco Nuts review.
C and I (along with J) will be travelling for Labour Day weekend. We are going to visit my Grandparents up in the Okanagan. My grandma and I will be canning PEACHES!! So look forward to that as well!!

Blog hops for the week complete!
Ok so I have this 'thing' ... how do I explain it. I like things to be complete... I can't buy a book in a series and NOT but the others...even if I don't like the books. Yes I know that sounds silly.. but for some reason if I don't have a set then it bothers me. So today I found my Monday...my Monday blog hop that is! See to the left? I have a whole week of blog hops!!
I was getting irritated not having a Monday - BUT I found one. Now it is complete.
I would love to add more, so if you know of any please post below!
Much love
I was getting irritated not having a Monday - BUT I found one. Now it is complete.
I would love to add more, so if you know of any please post below!
Much love

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Last weekend of August..really?
I cannot believe that it's the last weekend of August! Where has the summer gone? I must say it has been a great weekend! Although I did have to work both Saturday and Sunday, it has still been a good one.
On Friday, we went over to my parents house for dinner. My dad made ribs.. mmm my favorite!! J got to play outside in his little pool that my mom got him. The boy LOVES to play in water.
We stayed overnight as it got late and we didn't want to wake J. The next day I had to go to work as did C. He had a side job to do for his boss. So J got to spend the day with my mom. I always check in! hehe When I first spoke to her she asked me how I did it! "He just goes, goes goes... It's not even noon yet and I'm exhausted!" I just chuckled to myself.
My day came to an end and C came to get me and off we went to pick up our wee little man and head over to C's parents out to celebrate C's grandmas 94th Birthday!
I felt bad as we were late (I HATE being late) but Grandma was very happy to see us. My Mother in Law made enough food to feed an army! We had ham, turkey, salmon, potato salad and MANY MANY other side dishes. She also made an Angel Food cake which happens to be one of my favorites!! Grandma opened her gifts and then everyone headed home (it was about 9:45)
We spent the night there (travelling Gypsies) I again had to be to work today for 10:00 (I'm always early) so here I am, at work writing this post. It's so quiet at work as the sun is shining and people want to be outside.. not indoors!
Good thing I'm only here till 3:00! We are going back to my MIL for dinner tonight as she has SO much food left! Here's hoping that my day flies by! I want to see my little man!!
SO that's that. Last weekend of August was spent with both sides of the family. I love weekends like that.
Much love
On Friday, we went over to my parents house for dinner. My dad made ribs.. mmm my favorite!! J got to play outside in his little pool that my mom got him. The boy LOVES to play in water.
We stayed overnight as it got late and we didn't want to wake J. The next day I had to go to work as did C. He had a side job to do for his boss. So J got to spend the day with my mom. I always check in! hehe When I first spoke to her she asked me how I did it! "He just goes, goes goes... It's not even noon yet and I'm exhausted!" I just chuckled to myself.
My day came to an end and C came to get me and off we went to pick up our wee little man and head over to C's parents out to celebrate C's grandmas 94th Birthday!
I felt bad as we were late (I HATE being late) but Grandma was very happy to see us. My Mother in Law made enough food to feed an army! We had ham, turkey, salmon, potato salad and MANY MANY other side dishes. She also made an Angel Food cake which happens to be one of my favorites!! Grandma opened her gifts and then everyone headed home (it was about 9:45)
We spent the night there (travelling Gypsies) I again had to be to work today for 10:00 (I'm always early) so here I am, at work writing this post. It's so quiet at work as the sun is shining and people want to be outside.. not indoors!
Good thing I'm only here till 3:00! We are going back to my MIL for dinner tonight as she has SO much food left! Here's hoping that my day flies by! I want to see my little man!!
SO that's that. Last weekend of August was spent with both sides of the family. I love weekends like that.
Much love

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Family Outing - The Pacific National Exhibition
Last weekend we took J to the PNE. I haven't been there since I was a younger girl (ok maybe a teenager, but still) It was a super gorgeous day, and HOT!! We took J to see all the farm animals and he just LOVED it. Here are some pictures from our family day out. (note: there were a lot of photos taken, I just picked a few)
J and C looking at the bunnies |
J walked past say "baa baa" |
Mumma pig nursing! |
SO cute |
These Oxen are HUGE! This picture does not so them justice!! |
Sand Sculptures. This is our fav! |
We ate BBQ for lunch, drank our weight in Lemonade and gobbled down the mini doughnuts! We had such a blast! We took a tour of the PNE prize home (Oh my LORD!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it so much.) After about 5 hours there it was time to go. J was getting restless in the stroller and it was super crowded! Like REALLY crowded!
We can't wait to take him back next year. He will be old enough to go on rides!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Trying for Number Two....
A while back I wrote a post about how I had some BAD baby fever. Well, I still have BAD baby fever, but there is a positive note to go along with that. C and I are trying for baby number 2!!
C was not on board at all. He told me that we needed to accomplish a few things before we even consider trying for another baby. He wanted to buy a house, finish up school and wanted to be more 'established'. I was very upset but knew that I couldn't push this on him. We BOTH need to want it. Not just one.
We started talking about it again, and this time he said he wanted to wait to finished his 3rd year, and yada yada... (the yada yada isn't meant to be rude, I just don't remember at this very moment what he said hehe) I told him that they weren't very good reasons for not wanting to try. I explained my opinions - He WILL get his ticket, we WILL buy our little home, and we ARE BOTH ready for baby number.
He still wasn't fully convinced and that we needed to let nature take it's course. I then replied with "OK well we can do that, but I am going to NEED your HELP!". He never replied so I left it at that.
Now I'm not one to keep my mouth shut for very long, so every time a commercial came on that had to do with babies or ANYTHING baby I brought it up again. Always making sure I wasn't over stepping the boundary. I didn't want to PUSH him into making a decision.
There were a few nights when the *bow chicka bow wow* went on, and we were not careful, but it was never close to my ovulation time. Once right after AF left, and then again a few days later. I never really thought anything of it.
BUT then yesterday, C said to me, "Ok, you are right. I will get my ticket, we will buy our house and we WILL have two babies. So, yes. I am ready to start trying.
He said this to me as I was getting ready to leave for my girls night out. In the back of my head I was thinking.. how am I going to tell my friend that I am unable to come out cause I needed to make a baby. I am right at the peak of ovulation right now.. so there's no time like the present right??
Just then my friend showed up. UGH!! He gave me a little smile and told me to have a good time. I told him NOT TO FALL ASLEEP!
I couldn't wait to get home. It was kinda late for us (11:30 lol) but he held true to his word and was not sleeping. ...... well you can guess what came after that ......
So now it's a waiting game. I'm going to say that I won't get preggers from this 'encounter'... so better luck next month?. The only reason why I say that it when I calculate it out, yesterday was my MOST fertile day.. and I'm not to sure how it all works. When we got preggers with J it was not planned so...
So that's that in a nut shell. Sorry if it was too much information but I'm just really excited!
Speaking of Nut Shells..keep an eye out for my next review. Eco Nuts!
Much love
C was not on board at all. He told me that we needed to accomplish a few things before we even consider trying for another baby. He wanted to buy a house, finish up school and wanted to be more 'established'. I was very upset but knew that I couldn't push this on him. We BOTH need to want it. Not just one.
We started talking about it again, and this time he said he wanted to wait to finished his 3rd year, and yada yada... (the yada yada isn't meant to be rude, I just don't remember at this very moment what he said hehe) I told him that they weren't very good reasons for not wanting to try. I explained my opinions - He WILL get his ticket, we WILL buy our little home, and we ARE BOTH ready for baby number.
He still wasn't fully convinced and that we needed to let nature take it's course. I then replied with "OK well we can do that, but I am going to NEED your HELP!". He never replied so I left it at that.
Now I'm not one to keep my mouth shut for very long, so every time a commercial came on that had to do with babies or ANYTHING baby I brought it up again. Always making sure I wasn't over stepping the boundary. I didn't want to PUSH him into making a decision.
There were a few nights when the *bow chicka bow wow* went on, and we were not careful, but it was never close to my ovulation time. Once right after AF left, and then again a few days later. I never really thought anything of it.
BUT then yesterday, C said to me, "Ok, you are right. I will get my ticket, we will buy our house and we WILL have two babies. So, yes. I am ready to start trying.
He said this to me as I was getting ready to leave for my girls night out. In the back of my head I was thinking.. how am I going to tell my friend that I am unable to come out cause I needed to make a baby. I am right at the peak of ovulation right now.. so there's no time like the present right??
Just then my friend showed up. UGH!! He gave me a little smile and told me to have a good time. I told him NOT TO FALL ASLEEP!
I couldn't wait to get home. It was kinda late for us (11:30 lol) but he held true to his word and was not sleeping. ...... well you can guess what came after that ......
So now it's a waiting game. I'm going to say that I won't get preggers from this 'encounter'... so better luck next month?. The only reason why I say that it when I calculate it out, yesterday was my MOST fertile day.. and I'm not to sure how it all works. When we got preggers with J it was not planned so...
So that's that in a nut shell. Sorry if it was too much information but I'm just really excited!
Speaking of Nut Shells..keep an eye out for my next review. Eco Nuts!
Much love

Monday, August 22, 2011
We are children of the 80's
So as promised, here are some highlights of out 80's themed birthday for our buddy Jay. We had such a great time. 2 hours of bowling, cake and drinks (non alcoholic for me) and we got slighting sassy afterwards!
After putting my outfit together the night before, I decided I needed something different.... It was lacking the 80's style. So off to Talize we went the next morning. We got there at like 10:00 am or something. I had to be to work for noon, so we needed to make this a quick trip. We went straight to the vintage section.
Chris pull out this ensemble and I looked at his and said "OMG, that is the UGLIEST effing dress I have EVER seen" I was laughing so hard, then he swished it around and we both realized it was a JUMPSUIT! Chris almost yelled it out "OMG, It's got EFFING pants!" And that was that. I had to have it!
Partial group shot - can you spot me? |
C looked like he stepped right out of a John Hughe's film. I thought we made quite the couple!
My friend Jon and I took home the championship! |
Much love

Friday, August 19, 2011
Treasure Hunting
Tomorrow night, C and I have a "date" It's not really a date, but we are going out to celebrate a friends birthday. We are going 5 pin bowling, 80's style!
I have been looking forward to this for a few weeks now, and of course, I put off finding an outfit till the LAST minute! So today C, J and I went to Value Village to see what we could find.
We got there, and decided that we would hunt for C's outfit first. I LOVE to hunt for bargains. C had an idea on what he wanted. We began looking for the perfect 80's t-shirt. There was SO MANY to choose from.Seriously, I've never seen so many t shirts!! As I was rummaging through them, I found it! The PERFECT shirt for C. I want to show you right now, but i can't. He said I could put up pictures tomorrow hehe! Along with his shirt he bought a pair of tight-ish jeans.
Now off to find myself and outfit. I love to shop but hate to try clothes on. No lie. I went off with J and C went his way. I was coming up empty handed. J was yelling at other customers and making me laugh. I had an idea as well as to what I wanted to wear, but finding it was hard. Then I heard C call me. "Check this out!" he said with enthusiasm. "You so have to get this one!!" OH MY GOD! It is so hideous! I'll explain it.. it's 100& polyester... yuck, AND it's got polka dots... OH and I forgot to mention that it's shiny silver!
It's too perfect. So I got it.
I continued to look around. You never know what you can find in the mound of clothing they have. I came across the yoga pants section... at least I think that's what they called it. A small little symbol caught my eye. I walked over to the capri pants and snatched them up. I quickly looked at the price tag and the size. A HUGE smile came across my face. What I was holding in my hand was a pair of Lululemons. In perfect condition. Now I'm not one for brand names BUT when it comes to the fit and comfort of lulu, I can't resist. I got a great steal for 17.99! Yay. So that was our trip to Value Village. An hour and a half of shopping and 48.06 later - 80's costume here we come.
I have to admit that I will have to do some more shopping tomorrow as I'm in need of some new tights. And COLOR... I got home and my outfit seemed drab. So off we go tomorrow to Talize to see what they have to offer.
Pictures to come tomorrow!
Much love
I have been looking forward to this for a few weeks now, and of course, I put off finding an outfit till the LAST minute! So today C, J and I went to Value Village to see what we could find.
We got there, and decided that we would hunt for C's outfit first. I LOVE to hunt for bargains. C had an idea on what he wanted. We began looking for the perfect 80's t-shirt. There was SO MANY to choose from.Seriously, I've never seen so many t shirts!! As I was rummaging through them, I found it! The PERFECT shirt for C. I want to show you right now, but i can't. He said I could put up pictures tomorrow hehe! Along with his shirt he bought a pair of tight-ish jeans.
Now off to find myself and outfit. I love to shop but hate to try clothes on. No lie. I went off with J and C went his way. I was coming up empty handed. J was yelling at other customers and making me laugh. I had an idea as well as to what I wanted to wear, but finding it was hard. Then I heard C call me. "Check this out!" he said with enthusiasm. "You so have to get this one!!" OH MY GOD! It is so hideous! I'll explain it.. it's 100& polyester... yuck, AND it's got polka dots... OH and I forgot to mention that it's shiny silver!
It's too perfect. So I got it.
I continued to look around. You never know what you can find in the mound of clothing they have. I came across the yoga pants section... at least I think that's what they called it. A small little symbol caught my eye. I walked over to the capri pants and snatched them up. I quickly looked at the price tag and the size. A HUGE smile came across my face. What I was holding in my hand was a pair of Lululemons. In perfect condition. Now I'm not one for brand names BUT when it comes to the fit and comfort of lulu, I can't resist. I got a great steal for 17.99! Yay. So that was our trip to Value Village. An hour and a half of shopping and 48.06 later - 80's costume here we come.
I have to admit that I will have to do some more shopping tomorrow as I'm in need of some new tights. And COLOR... I got home and my outfit seemed drab. So off we go tomorrow to Talize to see what they have to offer.
Pictures to come tomorrow!
Much love

Thursday, August 18, 2011
19 months
James, Jimmy, Jimbo...
Oh, I don't even know where to begin!! It's kind of hard to believe that you are 19 months.. I know I always say that, but with each and every passing month, I watch a little boy transition from infancy to toddler-hood and I all I can do is sit back and watch. You amaze me every single day.
We took you to get your 18 month shots yesterday (sorry about that bud. We do feel really bad, but it's for your own good!) They weighed you and measured you. At 19 months you are 30lbs and 32 inches tall! When we went in for your 12 month shots, you weighed in at 23lbs and were 30.25 inches tall!! You gained 7 lbs!! After your shots, we all went out to dinner. you devoured your pasta, which is nothing new. hehe. Then you were sneaking fries from my plate. Your such a great eater!! After your bath, you went down to bed with no problems, but i guess your little arm hurt, cause we got to cuddle most of the night. I'm not going to complain about the lack of sleep, Mummy doesn't get as much cuddle time anymore. So I'll take what I can get!
You've cut two more teeth. These ones are coming in very slow, but you don't seem to mind. We are still using your Baltic Amber teething necklace from IBF. By now I would have guessed that you would be attempting to take it off but you haven't. Thank you for that.
You have been trying to communicate more with us. I LOVE that you say "Mama" so clearly now. I makes me so happy inside. You have learned four new words recently; CAR - which sounds like "Caar" with a slight accent. And "Momo" which is Elmo. "Buh bye" is another one. You love to wave at everyone and everything. And "Hi!" You are such a smart little boy.
You have no idea how much mummy and daddy love you. The amount of joy you bring us is incredible. I never knew there was a love like this.
I am looking forward to the coming months my son. We have so much fun together, and I am so glad I get to spend our days, together.
I love you so much sweetheart. You make me smile everyday. Thank you for that.

Yet another new look!!!
So what do you all think? While I loved my old blog style, I thought it needed something more. Stacy from Vampire Craftin, offered me a blog makeover a while back, and I loved what she created. But I'm the type of person who likes change. C and I have never lived in a home (together, that we rented) for more than a year. Silly I know. But I get tired of the same surroundings therefore, we move!
Same goes with my job (something I'm not totally proud of) but I get tired of doing the same old thing, day in and day out!
So with that being said, I thought it was a good time to have another blog makeover. Stacy did such a great job on the last one, so I contacted her YESTERDAY to see if she would be willing to team up again. And she agreed!
I was looking for something that jumped out at you a bit more, colourful, yet something that suited me and my taste. She sent me a proof and just like the last time, I LOVED the very first one I saw. We tweaked it a bit, then voila! My new blog was born.
I can't get enough of it. I keep coming back and just looking at it.
If you would like a bloggy makeover or if you have an Etsy shop that needs a re vamp - contact Stacy at Vampire Craftin : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vampire-Craftin/168806933169687
Much love
So what do you all think? While I loved my old blog style, I thought it needed something more. Stacy from Vampire Craftin, offered me a blog makeover a while back, and I loved what she created. But I'm the type of person who likes change. C and I have never lived in a home (together, that we rented) for more than a year. Silly I know. But I get tired of the same surroundings therefore, we move!
Same goes with my job (something I'm not totally proud of) but I get tired of doing the same old thing, day in and day out!
So with that being said, I thought it was a good time to have another blog makeover. Stacy did such a great job on the last one, so I contacted her YESTERDAY to see if she would be willing to team up again. And she agreed!
I was looking for something that jumped out at you a bit more, colourful, yet something that suited me and my taste. She sent me a proof and just like the last time, I LOVED the very first one I saw. We tweaked it a bit, then voila! My new blog was born.
I can't get enough of it. I keep coming back and just looking at it.
If you would like a bloggy makeover or if you have an Etsy shop that needs a re vamp - contact Stacy at Vampire Craftin : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vampire-Craftin/168806933169687
Much love

What's up? What's new?
So I've been lacking in the posts department lately, but I promise you there will be some fun reviews coming up as well as some 'parents' posts. I wish I could say that I have some giveaways, but Lord is it ever hard to get people on board!! Seriously!!
There are a few non cloth diaper reviews that I am working on, for example Klean Kanteens (LOVE THESE) also a few reusable sandwich bags. I will also be doing a stroller review... but I don't know when.
I'll be doing some other posts, such as potty learning and TTC - yup you read that right Trying to Conceive!!
Let the games begin!!
Much love
There are a few non cloth diaper reviews that I am working on, for example Klean Kanteens (LOVE THESE) also a few reusable sandwich bags. I will also be doing a stroller review... but I don't know when.
I'll be doing some other posts, such as potty learning and TTC - yup you read that right Trying to Conceive!!
Let the games begin!!
Much love
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I scream you scream.. and NOT for ice cream!
My mom always tells me that when I was J's age I would scream at the top of my lungs just for the hell of it. Well, like mother like son. J's new 'thing' is screaming at the top of his lungs for no reason what so ever.
At first I found it quite funny but now, it's slightly annoying. The high pitch scream can be heard for like a mile I swear! We can be in the shopping centre and out of no where "AHHHHHHH!!" then he laughs.. I always say "Quiet J. Inside voice please" He does quiet down BUT then he starts quiet and gets progressively louder. Sometimes I can't help but laugh with him. First thing in the morning he's yelling from his crib. Bouncing up and down screaming. I LOVE it when other parents look at me and they don't say a word but you know they are thinking "Will you shut your kid up" at that point I let him do it. Sorry if you don't agree with that, but for the most part I have a little boy who is SO well behaved and very rarely acts up in public.
I thought I would also do a small update on our progression of learning words.
J's list of words he can say:
Bye Bye
Momo (Elmo)
UPDATE!! J can say CAR now too!! Oh what a big boy I have!
He can also sign baby.. hehe He knows where his nose is. As well as his belly, ears, eyes,mouth, head and toes. We are working on elbow, knees and shoulders.
He will be 19 months old this week. I cannot believe that at all. Ahh!
At first I found it quite funny but now, it's slightly annoying. The high pitch scream can be heard for like a mile I swear! We can be in the shopping centre and out of no where "AHHHHHHH!!" then he laughs.. I always say "Quiet J. Inside voice please" He does quiet down BUT then he starts quiet and gets progressively louder. Sometimes I can't help but laugh with him. First thing in the morning he's yelling from his crib. Bouncing up and down screaming. I LOVE it when other parents look at me and they don't say a word but you know they are thinking "Will you shut your kid up" at that point I let him do it. Sorry if you don't agree with that, but for the most part I have a little boy who is SO well behaved and very rarely acts up in public.
I thought I would also do a small update on our progression of learning words.
J's list of words he can say:
Bye Bye
Momo (Elmo)
UPDATE!! J can say CAR now too!! Oh what a big boy I have!
He can also sign baby.. hehe He knows where his nose is. As well as his belly, ears, eyes,mouth, head and toes. We are working on elbow, knees and shoulders.
He will be 19 months old this week. I cannot believe that at all. Ahh!
You are disgusting.. I beg your pardon?!
So I have a rant to go on right now. This post in no was is to down FF mom's. I'll just put that out there right now.
A few days ago while I was at work, I had a couple of ladies come in. One of them were looking for cutlery for their child and the other was just there to shop with her friend. They were walking around the store and stopped and looked at some of the soothers we have. Lady A asked me if I ever gave J a "suckie" I said no I never did, as he wouldn't take one. Then she proceeded to ask me what age I think is good to take away a bottle and suckie. I replied with "It's each to their own in my opinion. If you think it's what your child needs then it's your decision"
She looked at me like I was a criminal. Lady B jumped right in to the conversation, "So you think it's ok for a 2 year old to have a bottle and suckie?? That is ridiculous!"
I didn't reply. She then starting talking about nursing. I thought to myself, "here we go. Now this could get interesting" hehe
Lady B : "While I understand that nursing forms a bond with mom and baby and I know that it's cheap..I think anything beyond 6 months is disgusting. Sure it's nutritious and all but so is formula. So there is to need to go past 6 months"
I looked at her and my jaw dropped. First off.; Breastfeeding is not cheap.. it's free and doesn't cost a penny!! Secondly, while most formulas are nutritious, Breast milk has much more 'goodness' than a man made product.
I was so annoyed by this point. Lady A said "I got to 6 months and stopped." I said that I think it was great that she made it to six months. Any time baby gets boobie milk is a great thing.
She asked me if I nursed my son or if I bottle fed him. I replied with "Oh I nursed. He never really took to a bottle, and he never had formula. I nursed him for 15.5 months"
SILENCE "15 months?? You dealt with teeth?" lady B said "That is DISGUSTING! 15 months is way to long. You are disgusting"
I was hurt, shocked, angry, PISSED! Who has the right to tell me that I am disgusting for nursing my son for that amount of time. I know women who have nursed well past 2 years.I know that I gave J the best of the best.
I looked at these two women and simply said "He wanted to nurse, I could produce so that is what we did. When he didn't want to nurse anymore, we stopped. I don't think it is disgusting at all. But what I do find disgusting is you telling me I am."
I asked her if she was a mom and she replied "No" then I said polietly asked her to leave leave. Lady A bought what she needed and left.
I was so hurt... the nerve of some people honestly.. who the hell are you to tell me it's disgusting if you have never DONE IT!!
Anyways that's that. Some people I tell ya..

A few days ago while I was at work, I had a couple of ladies come in. One of them were looking for cutlery for their child and the other was just there to shop with her friend. They were walking around the store and stopped and looked at some of the soothers we have. Lady A asked me if I ever gave J a "suckie" I said no I never did, as he wouldn't take one. Then she proceeded to ask me what age I think is good to take away a bottle and suckie. I replied with "It's each to their own in my opinion. If you think it's what your child needs then it's your decision"
She looked at me like I was a criminal. Lady B jumped right in to the conversation, "So you think it's ok for a 2 year old to have a bottle and suckie?? That is ridiculous!"
I didn't reply. She then starting talking about nursing. I thought to myself, "here we go. Now this could get interesting" hehe
Lady B : "While I understand that nursing forms a bond with mom and baby and I know that it's cheap..I think anything beyond 6 months is disgusting. Sure it's nutritious and all but so is formula. So there is to need to go past 6 months"
I looked at her and my jaw dropped. First off.; Breastfeeding is not cheap.. it's free and doesn't cost a penny!! Secondly, while most formulas are nutritious, Breast milk has much more 'goodness' than a man made product.
I was so annoyed by this point. Lady A said "I got to 6 months and stopped." I said that I think it was great that she made it to six months. Any time baby gets boobie milk is a great thing.
She asked me if I nursed my son or if I bottle fed him. I replied with "Oh I nursed. He never really took to a bottle, and he never had formula. I nursed him for 15.5 months"
SILENCE "15 months?? You dealt with teeth?" lady B said "That is DISGUSTING! 15 months is way to long. You are disgusting"
I was hurt, shocked, angry, PISSED! Who has the right to tell me that I am disgusting for nursing my son for that amount of time. I know women who have nursed well past 2 years.I know that I gave J the best of the best.
I looked at these two women and simply said "He wanted to nurse, I could produce so that is what we did. When he didn't want to nurse anymore, we stopped. I don't think it is disgusting at all. But what I do find disgusting is you telling me I am."
I asked her if she was a mom and she replied "No" then I said polietly asked her to leave leave. Lady A bought what she needed and left.
I was so hurt... the nerve of some people honestly.. who the hell are you to tell me it's disgusting if you have never DONE IT!!
Anyways that's that. Some people I tell ya..
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
The Bumble Collection - A Diaper Bag Review
I am very excited to write up this review! This is going to be all about the Rebecca bag in Lucky Clover by The Bumble Collection. Back in May I won their contest. I was super excited as I have been trying so darn hard to win and have always come up empty handed...but not this time!
I got to choose the prize, and in the end I chose the Rebecca in Lucky Clover!
Isn't she pretty?? LOVE the color combo. It's so me. |
This bag can hold a lot! I am a huge over packer and it fits what we need. It has some great features as well. In outside has, what I call my "mommy pocket" A quick and easy pocket to store your key's, cell phone and wallet. It closes with two magnets.
Good size! |
I should also mention that there is a back zippered part, that I forgot to take a picture of. I will get that and post it after. Again it's about the same size as the front except this one has a zippered closure.
The inside of this bag as a ton of storage places.
All packed up with room to spare. |
I usually put our water bottles in the side pockets, which again have the magnetic closures. I love that feature of this diaper. It makes for a more clean look.
Over all I LOVE this diaper bag. It's large enough for all our needs. It is very comfortable to wear and a BIG BIG plus is that it is machine washable. Yes you read that right.. Machine washable!
I have a feeling that this bag will get me through J's cloth diapering years as well as baby number.. when ever that happens.
Much love!
Please note that I was in no way compensated for this review. I won this bag from a Facebook contest and all opinions are solely my own. My opinion may differ from others. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
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